Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Thaigrish? Thaigrit?

Okay, I've always seen English as a playful language, so bear with me here...

I've realized that like most of my "falang" friends here in Thailand, some Thai words have started bleeding into my everyday English. Some are useful, others are inside jokes, and some are just funny.

I'm not sure what to call this bastardized hybrid pidgin of English and Thai - I'm still undecided between Thaigrish (Thai/Engrish) and Thaikrit ("Phasa Angkrit" - Thai for English language)?

I will from time to time incorporate this into my writing, and if you're having trouble following, you can use this page for reference. Those living in Thailand or those who have spent some time here will likely not require this guide. I will keep updating this post as I add new Thaikrit words.

Sawatdee -  Hello, Good morning, Good evening, Goodbye. use: Sawatdee Khrap/Kah

Khrap/Kah - Male/Female article for politeness, can also mean "Yes", or "I'm paying attention." This word is so useful, and if you master it's use you can easily bullshit someone into believing you can understand Thai.

Chai/Mai Chai - Yes, Not Yes

Farang/Falang - Foreigner

Lek/Yai - Small/Large, used for ordering beer, pointing out sizeable breasts, or talking about your penis.

Si daeng - Red
Si tohng - Gold
Si dam - Black
Si kao - White

Jur gen mai - Informal goodbye between friends i.e. Jur gen mai na khrap/kah

Hoppa! - Slang for shut up.

Arai/Alai khrap? - Formal, Sorry what was that?
Arai/Alai nah? - Informal, What did you say?
Arai/Alai wah? - Crude, What the fuck did you say?

0 soon
1 neung
2 sowng
3 saam
4 see
5 ha - Sidenote: 555 is pronounced ha ha ha, and is used as a replacement for lol.
6 hok
7 jet
8 paed
9 kao
10 sip

I'll keep updating this list as more words filter into my writing.

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