Friday 20 January 2012

I found it...

Before I arrived in Thailand, I had spent hours researching Bangkok, and compiled a list of interesting things to see and do. The most prominent entry on that list has a big fat question mark next to where I normally write the address. I need to find it.

I first hear of the bar whilst browsing through a forum for expats in Thailand. It's a huge bar in Khaosan that plays metal over the weekends. I spent hours patrolling Khaosan, asking around. Noone seems to have heard of it. I find an address for the venue on another forum, but it leads me to an empty road in Lad Prao.

Eventually I come across a map. Now the bar is in Victory Monument. Girlfriend is going out on another clubbing spree, and I have no inclination to join. I go alone.

I spent about an hour walking up and down the road leading to Victory, trying to find soi leading to this elusive house of metal. Soi Boon Chus Ri yu-nai khrap? An old Thai lady lights up - she knows where it is. Thong pai, thong pai. I walk straight ahead, and find the soi. In the distance, I hear faint traces of Black Metal.


Wednesday 18 January 2012

It begins...

I'm getting tired of the noise of Sukhumvit and RCA.

Insomnia, Glow, Titanium, LED, Route 66...
These are the places I am being dragged to. It started off innocently enough.

When Girlfriend arrived in Bangkok she was introduced to a group of fun loving expats who would go clubbing every Friday.

It's an outrageous group of people from America, England, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Norway, Finland, Japan, China, India, Australia and now South Africa.

Every Friday the group will create a schedule and meet up for a bar crawl.

First stop, a casual venue to imbibe in the first few drinks of the evening in a social way.

Second stop, the first club of the night. Dance the night away.

The third stop is normally the highlight of their evening, as they go to the most outrageous party happening in Bangkok on the night.

Fourth stop is normally Insomnia, to refuel at the diner and dance a little more before 3am.

Then it's onto Wong's or Spicy till you crawl into bed anytime between 6 and 11 am.

While we've certainly met some interesting people and made some new friends, I need my people, I need my scene - and it's about damn time I find it.